Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Tips to learning any instrument

These are my tips to learning an instrument.

I underlined my because every musician has their own techniques and opinions.So to be clear I am not saying my tips are the only way, the easy way, the normal way or even the right way.I am simply sharing what has helped me.

1.Practice something.I don't care what it is but you need to put your attention into this "something" (could be a simple lick, a chord or an entire song) While practicing you need to shoot for perfect sound not so much technique.And this is where I expect most musicians to lynch me but whatever.Don't try to learn anything else until you can perform the "something" that you choose with comfort and ease with a sound that is as close to perfect as possible.

2.Learn the names of the chords (or notes) of your chosen instrument and pick one until you learn it,then move on to the next one but don't forget to continue playing the chords you have already learned.

3.This is the most important piece of advice NEVER STOP LOOKING FOR SOMETHING TO LEARN.

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