Thursday, January 5, 2012

Hydrogen or HHO generator principles and functions

Okay this subject is sort of touchy for me because I don't want some kid trying to make an HHO generator and hurting themselves do I will give you details on principle,function,uses and some pics and videos of others constructing said generator but I am by no means telling you to build one they are extremely dangerous.
 The science behind HHO generators.

I am going to go over the "boring" parts first to get them out of the way.An HHO generator produces H2 (hydrogen) and O (oxygen) from water that is made more conductive by adding something to it  ,salt ,for example.But to separate the H2 and O from the H2O it takes energy ,a battery for example,But the battery is NOT simply thrown into salty water,no.You have to find a way to deliver the energy into the water with both a positive and a negative terminal ,which can be done in a thousand ways but most common seems to be with either 2 stainless steel coils one slightly smaller diameter than the other so that they can be placed one inside the other WITHOUT TOUCHING,no contact is to be made between the two coils,it could be very dangerous.Now you have the conductive water,the battery,the coils to deliver energy now you have to have a way to contain the water,coils and HHO once created.One could be creative here and do it however they wanted but there are a few principles to keep in mind 1.HHO is flamable and under pressure explosive 2.If one is to harness and use HHO safety is a huge factor.okay that being said there should be a safety between the capsule that houses the coils and the hose that the gas ultimately exits to be used.This is done simply with a sealed container that is half filled with water in which a hose from the capsule that houses the coils and conductive water should be placed into the safety at the bottom of the water and another hose should be placed into the safety but above the water or connected to the safety capsule via a hole that is the same size as the hose you are using which for safety reasons should be of very small diameter such as 1/4 inch or 3/8 of an inch to prevent any fire from traveling up the hose.although you have a safety capsule it is still necessary to keep this in mind.Okay if done properly one could get HHO out of the hose exiting the safety capsule which is flamable and could have lots of uses.

we are done with the science lesson now here are some visual examples.

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