Sunday, February 13, 2011

starting an online business

Here is another subject that seems to be a popular subject web based business or making easy money online.I can tell you up front that there is no such thing as easy money.But one could make money online with a lot of dedication and possibly investing a little money I will discuss a few ways.

         Almost everyone has heard the word but some are not quite sure what all it entails. Blogging is a mash-up of the phrase web log which is a type of website or part of a website.Blogs are usually setup and maintained by an individual with regular commentary, event descriptions and/or graphics and video.If a person is to make money by blogging it is a necessity to write in a descriptive and interesting piece.You have to form a following and get your name out there and you nrrd to pick subjects that are not worn out and overdone.If you are knowledgable in a specific area of expertise then you shoud try applying for if you can get a steady job with them writing about the subject you applied for you could earn anywhere from 600-2000 dollars per month ,pay is dependent on how popular your posts are.You could also start your own blog site which it takes a lot more work and research but can be just as rewarding.To start making money with your own blog site you must first decide whether you want to start a free site or purchase one.The first can be done quite easily if you start a gmail account and sign up for Blogger which will supply you with a page and a url, But the part I must stress is what you do and how successful you are is up to you. The good thing about blogger is that you are set up with almost all the tools and info you need to get your site started and set up.Making money with this free site is another story.First you must get your site noticed and viewed as much as possible through various venues.Some ways to do this is by posting your site on other blogs but don't go all over peoples blog just posting your site you need to find blogs related to what you know and make a post or answer a question then you can use your site as a reference if they need more info, if you do this make sure that you have relevent material on your blog or else its pointless.Another way to do this is by posting your blog info and url on your social networking account pages.Once your site is popular you can sign up for amazon advertising and adsense to place there ads on your site you will be paid by clicks andor purchases at a certain percentage.

Item sales:

           This way is a little more straight forward but not much easier.First you must have a product that you can sell or a service and you must make sure you are not pirating or trying to sell licenced products or services this is illigal.If you make something or do something well that would be a good place to start.Then you must start a website and as with blogging you have to get your website known.It would also be advantageous for you to get an account with this is for ease of recieving payment and ease of book keeping, paypal allows you to accept most major credit cards you can also make refunds if necessary.Then you must sell sell far you take it depends on you.

there are other ways but these are the most basic. I hope this helped.I couldn't find any honest info on the subject so I thought I would touch on it.

Happy hobbies my friends

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