Friday, October 4, 2013

Making a lawn mower run on hydrogen.

Running a lawn mower on hydrogen or HHO is a fairly simple yet dangerous task if not executed  properly.

I did a post some time ago about making an HHO generator and here is a great use for it.

First thing to do is remove the carb. completely.Where the hole is that the carb. use to bolt to you want to fabricate a plate with a nipple to attach a hose.its not too difficult it should look like this.

At this point you need to fabricate a way to deliver various amounts of hydrogen or HHO.This is necessary because this will be the throttle.This can be as simple or as advanced as you wish.

once you have that made its as simple as connecting on end to a bottle of hydrogen or an HHO generator and the other to the nipple on the plate you made.then you tinker and adjust.the amount of gas fed to it will control throttle.

I take no resposibility for any accidents.there is potential for explosion.this is an informative post only.

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