Monday, January 20, 2014

does radiator stop leak actually work?

This is a pretty tough question to answer because people from both sides of the fence will give good reasons why or why I will answer this question by my personal experience.
I purchased a vehicle AS IS from a guy,It drove great, ran fine but when I got it home I noticed the low coolant light was on and when I checked it the radiator was almost empty,I filled it and let the vehicle run and yet it leaked out.Not having money to repair it properly,I decided to try Bars radiator stop leak.long story short the vehicle is running great with no leak.
The people who say it doesn't work may be right as well,according to their experience but,I assume it depends on the individual case.

how to take a tire off of a rim without special tools

Well this is something I have done many times,not wanting to spend the money it takes to have a shop do it,I learned to do it myself,quite efficiently.
First thing is to make sure you have a second vehicle to use as weight,second is to make sure you have a board either a 2 by 4 or wider that is around 3-4 feet in length.Also make sure to remove the valve from the stem of the tire that you are removing.
Once all of the air is out of the tire lay it on the ground,take the board that you have and place one end right up against the rim over top the tire like shown in the picture.ensuring that when pressed down the board will clear the rim while being as close as possible.
Next you should drive the driver side tire of your vehicle on to the board until you hear a pop which is the bead popping off the rim.if this is not successful the first time rotate the tire a quarter turn and will successfully pop the bead off.once you complete the top side flip the tire and repeat on the other side.

Next comes the more physical part.with two flat head screw drivers,start prying the tire over the rim leaving one screw driver to ensure it doesnt fall back down until you have pulled the front bead over the ream all the way around.then you must do the same with the second bead taking it of from the same side of the rim.

what are hiccups and what causes them?

hiccup, medically known as SDF (synchronous diaphragmatic flutter) orsingultus, is a sudden, involuntary contraction of the diaphragm which occurs at the same time as a contraction of the voice box (larynx) and total closure of the glottis, effectively blocking air intake. The glottis is the middle part of the larynx, where the vocal cords are located.
Hiccups may also be spelled "hiccoughs".
Experts are not sure what causes hiccups and why we do them. Most agree that they are often triggered by minor stomach upsets. Sometimes, hiccups are said to have a psychological, rather than a physical cause - however, nobody really knows.
In the majority of cases, hiccups resolve without any treatment within a few minutes.
Hiccups, which can occur individually or in bouts, commonly happen rhythmically - the interval between each hiccup is relatively constant. Most people find them to be a minor nuisance. However, prolonged hiccups can became a serious medical problem and require treatment.Prolonged hiccups affect men much more than women. When attacks last longer than a month, the hiccups are termed intractable.

how to build a simple electric motor

The motor described here is not useful for much without a lot of extra tweaking and fortifying but it is definitely a cool science project.

first you will need 1 D sized battery then you will need about 3 feet of small single strand wire with enamel coating (not the thick coating on typical wire).you will need 2 paper clips 1 circular magnet about 1 inch (magnet  size doesn't have to be exact as long as it is strong enough and has 2 distinct poles.) the last things you will need are tape and needle nose pliers.

first take the 2 paper clips and unfold them then on one end form a cradle by taking the needle nose and twisting one end into a tight this to both paper clips.

then take the paper clips and tape one to each terminal of the battery with the circles you made in the paper clips going the same direction ( this is where the rotor will sit so position them even).

next take your wire and coil it around the D battery leaving 2 inches on each end sticking out pull the coil off the battery and secure the coil from unraveling by sticking the two ends and wrapping them around the coil on their respective sides.

then straiten the ends of the coil as straight as possible and place one end into one paper clip and one into the other.

if the coil is balanced and paper clips are the same height your are ready to place the magnet under the coil right onto the battery.Then just give the coil a little hand and watch it spin!!

Friday, January 17, 2014

how to make a simple layden jar

A layden jar is essentially a capacitor for static electricity.Simply done you just need an insulating vessel with aluminum foil on the inside with a wire on it to act as a collecting charge just rub a balloon or pvc over the "brush" once charged you can discharge by touching something grounded to the brush.It is very simple.I will put some pics to help illustrate.
